Monday, August 13, 2007

on something (someone) new

One eye open, you never know. Someone could completely stop her pulse. She needs to know if there's someone better and- she needs to know if that means someone else. -A Day Away (Young Hearts)

I stare at the bar as I try to decide what I'm going to drink. Gleaming bottles stare at me, a shiny mirror reflecting back my look of concentration.

I've just had the longest week of my life.

Jack Daniels, 1800, Captain Morgan, Blue Sapphire, Makers Mark.

The list continues.

I'll get a double of Makers,

I say the words far more confidently then I feel them- I am not much of a whiskey girl.

The look he gives me is appraising, as he too turns to the bartendar-

Make mine tequila. With training wheels.

I've always wondering what 'training wheels' meant, but I decide now isn't a good time to ask that. I'm guessing its the salt and lime that accompanies most shots of tequila-

but since i'm not really a tequila drinker I never knew.

Still, I stare at the caramel color of the Makers and it calms my nerves just a bit.

I can't remember the last time I was in a one on one situation with a guy I was interested in who actually liked me too-

I'm waiting to fail miserably at holding his attention.

What do we drink to?

His voice brings me back, and I smile a little. A man after my own heart-

you should always drink to something.


I stare at a spot somewhere past the bar, pondering.

That hard of a decision?

I smile at his question, dreading and anticipating the Makers all at once. I pick up the frosted shot glass and raise it to meet his.

To doubles.

He smiles and I down the shot in one gulp.

It's a sunday afternoon, and I'm sitting at a restaurant bar with a boy I hardly know, and you're finally far from my mind.

Thank goodness for something new.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Whiskey (and that's the only kind worth drinking), should not be someting dreaded. That is completely the wrong way to drink.

That man obviously did something that hurt you (tragically that seems to be what men do). But please don't drink to punish yourself (i.e with a liquor that you dread), but instead find a way to drink -moderately- to reward yourself.

You deserve no less.

Hogs and Cusses ~R

February 19, 2008 3:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well written article.

November 11, 2008 4:33 PM  

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