Sunday, January 06, 2008

on two to tango

Objection I don't want to be the exception, To get a bit of your attention. I love you for free, And i'm not your mother, But you don't even bother, Objection, I'm tired of this triangle, Got dizzy dancing tango, I'm falling apart in your hands again- No way, I've got to get away.- Shakira (Objection (Tango))


I can't decide if I think you care. I can't decide if I care. I must- to be wondering about you. Still, I look down at my foot, align it with the edge of the door and do my best to look past you as I take my shot and make it in.

She's on fire,

he crows from beside me, wrapping me in a hug. I squeal and throw my arms around his neck all the while wondering why i'm here. Why didn't I just leave when I had the chance?

We win the game, but that doesn't really mean much. Only that I drink my drinks in sucession because no one else at the table will want to touch vodka.

I wander into the other room, hoping perhaps that a change in music will bring a change in attitude. You look at me, smirk -not smile- and grab my hand, to twirl me around on the hardwood floor.

We pause for a moment, looking at eachother, and you kiss me as if it's something you meant to do all night but somehow forgot was allowed.

All I can think is how salty you taste.

We break apart, my hands moving away from your side, as I wonder what this means.

He returns, having been in the bathroom to grab me and dip me with a smile on his face -not a smirk- and I wonder why i'm even bothering.

You walk away,

and I give up on this tango that never ends.


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