Sunday, December 21, 2008

on the destination

Seems like streetlights glowing, happened to be just like moments, passing, in front of me so i hopped in, the cab and, i paid my fair, see i know my destination, but I'm just not there- Kanye West (Streetlights)

I meet Katie on a flight from Kansas City to Phoenix, the first thing she says to me is:

Give me just a second dearie,

I pause in the aisle of the plane, knowing I'm holding up a line of impatient people waiting to get to their seats as Katie inches slowly out of her seat to let me by-

Well, maybe a few minutes,

she laments.

I hide a smile, as I slip into my seat. Katie inches back down again, and I catch a glimpse of a variety of gaudy turquoise rings decorating her hands. I can't my smile now, and Katie smiles back at me.

I'm Katie,

she says.

I introduce myself in turn, glancing out the window (I always have to sit in the window seat) only to be disappointed by a view of the wing of the plane.

We talk more -small talk- I try to be as polite as possible, but in all honesty it is early, I'm tired and I'd just like to slip on my headphones and fall asleep.

We lapse into silence as the plane takes off, and as I go to put in my earphones after I feel sufficient time has passed to indicate the end of the conversation, I see Katie pick up a book-

On the End,

or some other blatantly awful catch title for a book about coping with dying.

Katie is dying,

but she sits on a plane and jokes about being slow- shares her love of her family with a perfect stranger,

and orders a travel sized bottle of Jack Daniels with her Coke. Suddenly staring at endless clouds in a bright blue sky is not nearly as fascinating as the aging woman sitting right beside me.

I hope one day I'm as sure of my destination as Katie.


Blogger `Koa said...

You know, it's strange, you read about people meeting someone who changed their life on an airplane, but you never really expect it to happen. It happened to me recently, en route to Seattle/Tacoma... He was ... older. Strange, but somehow in tune with what I had experienced in my life, and able to tell me what I needed to hear to keep me going. I was, I admit, a bit shocked to find myself wanted to kiss him after it was over....

May 25, 2009 4:43 PM  

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