Saturday, June 03, 2006

on hot girls

I don't, don't really know what I'm doing , But you seem to have a plan My will and self restraint have come to fail now, fail now , See, I am doing what I can, but I can't so you know that's a bit too hard to explain- Shakira (Hips Don't Lie)

I hurt my hand, will you kiss it to make it better?

The boy in front of me holds his hand out. And I smirk.

I think I need more to drink-

is the only response he gets from me. I hop off the stool I have been sitting on and go to take another shot of parrot bay. As I take the shot I look at him, defiantely maybe, or maybe because I know where more drinking will lead tonight. I break my stare and turn to laugh and talk to a friend. No need to let him know it will be so easy so early.

Hey hot girl, do you have a boyfriend?

I've stumbled out onto the balcony, that currently houses a boy I met maybe an hour ago who's coined me "hot girl" and the guy I can't seem to stay away from. I giggle as I struggle to shut the sliding glass door.

No, no boyfriend-

I'd love to lie right now and tell him I am seeing someone, and to stay away from me; but I'm not a good liar sober, and it turns out I'm not any better when I'm drunk.

Stimpy or Stingy or whatever the hell his name is leers at me from across the balcony-

Excellent. I'll probably hit on you the rest of the night.

His straightforwardness is not a turn on, and neither is his drunken demeanor. Come to think of it, I doubt there's a world in which I'd get along with or ever find Stinky attractive.

She's lying. She's dating me, 4 years now.

I whirl to look at the boy I'm now standing close to as a result of inching further from Stampy. I half heartedly smile at him. He's my one night relationship boy. We can't acknowledge eachothers existance sober on a random day. The right amount of alcohol, and we can't get enough of each other. You would think I'd learn, but I don't.

That's too bad man, I was definitely going to-

I don't let Smitty finish because I walk off the balcony inside.

I know it'll happen before the night is over, I'm too weak to walk away- but at least now, at least now I can walk away, and feel like i'm doing the right thing. But I know that's not how the night will end.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoa...this drinking. The way you are repeatedly THERE drinking, in conversations with yourself. Please be careful. It is NOT good. Find someone who likes hugging: gay man, straight man, gay girl, straight girl. Find someone who BELIEVES in the hug, find reasons to hug them, and then proceed from there. ~R

February 19, 2008 3:40 PM  

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