Monday, July 10, 2006

on girls

You got a lot of stuff, Stuff you don't deserve, You got a lot of friends, You got a lot of nerve, Trust me, you must be hated.- Nikki Cleary (Hated)

It's like this one time,

The girl walking beside me flips her hair as regales me with a tale of how her roommate idiotically told on the two for something they shouldn't have done.

I told her how stupid it was she did it,

she finishes as I place the keycard to access our room in the door.

Could she be more obvious? She's just told me a story of where she thinks her roommate did something stupid and it's analogous to the situation we are currently in.

My summer best friend.

I smile nonchalantly and choose not to remark on your story, I know you're trying to tell me I fucked up. I won't give you that satisfaction.

I could give you two separate rooms-

I think back to the offer when we first moved in here for the summer- I should have taken the offer, but instead...

No, we're fine, I mean, we already bunked the beds.

I'd responded as I shared a smile with a girl I thought I'd call a friend by summer's end.

My summer best friend.

I mean, if I can get with that other guy, then you can have him.

I remember when she says this as if it makes perfect sense. I can have what she doesn't want anymore- but only if she doesn't want it.

You call her, you're her best friend,

the phone being shoved my way to invite her to play tennis. Everyone else thinks we're so close. No one else sees the obvious tension there.

My summer best friend.

She's so wasted,

I mouth as she stumbles past me into a room, reaking of alcohol and smiling like an idiot. The others try not to laugh as they cover their mouths.

I almost thrive on seeing her drunk, because it reminds me she's human, after all. Her and I are in this constant state of competition that she acts confident she's always winning.

But i'm not stupid- I know how dependent on my company she is, how she can't go somewhere without me there.

My summer best friend,

I can't wait to be free.


Blogger `Koa said...

I dont' know if you know this, but

this is amazingly well written; my heart pines to be by your side. And due to your masterful hand, I share every grim smile and wince.


July 18, 2006 10:50 AM  

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