Thursday, August 03, 2006

on more than boys and booze

Well if I was in your position, I'd put down all my ammunition, I'd wondered why'd it taken me so long. But Lord knows that I'm not you, And If I was I wouldn't be so cruel, Cause waiting on love ain't so easy to do.- Jack Johnson (Sitting, Waiting, Wishing)

You know girls, they drink, they take their clothes off.

You're more likely to get me to take my clothes off if I'm sober.

I'll file that fact away,

I quip in response, smiling a little.

I'm spending so much time with you lately, and I find I like it even more when there's no rum shots or vodka involved.

Do you have to work tomorrow?

Yeah- at five,

That's too bad, I was going to sweet talk you into hanging out with me.

It wouldn't take much sweet talking.

It's a game of cat and mouse. Back and forth. Back and forth. Who's going to take the leap first?

It won't be me.

Are you coming over?

Who all is there?

My company not enticing enough for you?

It would be if you weren't my sister.

Slam, right into another brick wall. Why on earth did that stupid cook have to ask you if I was your sister? We don't even look alike. Was it your blue eyes, and my brown ones that gave it away? The fact you're like 6'2" and i'm 5'5".. on a good day? Everytime I get close... you push that wall up again.

I don't know what to do,

I tell a friend as I ride in her car.

He seems interested.. but he hasn't kissed me yet.

She laughs, as I pout, and stare out the window.

It's just, at the risk of this sounding bad... i've never hung out with a guy for this long, and him not make a move.

Maybe I'm just repulsive.